Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Visible Horse free to a good home

Whoa, I can't hardly believe this is our last week of class....and it's Wednesday already. Time does fly when your having fun....or assembling a visible horse (I'll explain later) Monday was a class room day with Sara and Harline. We did a lot of review which was helpful. Tuesday was not so fun, two oral presentations - one for Business and one for our Quieting and Handling class. Knowing I have to get up and talk is not my cup of tea. I tend to syke myself out but I plowed through. While out at Rick's yesterday I managed to use my "quieting" skills to sneak up on a baby rabbit.

Last night we celebrated the "end of homework" by going to one of our favourite haunts - The Rock Bottom Brewery (you get a free glass when you order beer on Tuesday's) It was also our last dinner as a class as many having family coming in on Friday.

Some of the girls from class who live in the apartment complex met down at the pool for a late night swim. It was around 32 degrees yesterday so the water was awesome. We decided to celebrate Laura's birthday a day early by throwing her in the pool fully clothed. Happy Birthday Laura!!! You really should have known better.

Today we were atop the mountain at a dude ranch. The weather held out and some of the class (myself included) took turns demostrating their techiques to the class. It was very very helpful. We worked on a couple of horses then called it a day.

For those that don't know, Heidi bought each of us a Visible Horse. We use one in the class room so we thought it would be great to have our own to use a tool in our practice. You have to paint and glue the parts yourself, seemed simple enough. It was not. I've never endured so much frustration and torture at the hands of an inanimate object. I had pieces break, glue to each other or to me and I'm pretty sure my horse's windpipe will forever tilt to the right because after an hour and a half of trying to get the piece to stick I finally gave up and glued the sucker to the side of the rib cage. Thank you Heidi for such a wonderful gift, I will try and return the favour one day. If you happen to receive a box of flesh eating termites in the mail you can feel confident that they are from me. Here's a couple of shots of the final project. Oh joy, oh bliss.

I'm off to bed. Liw is currently winning our round of "fart tag" but I just ate a bowl of beans....and she's asleep......"bring it on"



Pauline said...

I think your visible horse needs a name...Stevie?

Have a safe drive home this weekend. Can't wait to see you!

Wog :)

AmyH said...

That white water rafting looks awesome! I think you're going to have some serious boredom when you come back to "real life" I agree with Pauly and think your horse should have a name. Is it a male or female?
I think Meghan is getting pertty syked to come see you. Did you hear she has a date for Grad??? Guess who ;)

Can't wait to see you....XO

Anonymous said...

Swimming fully clothed is fun! sarah