Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pictures speak louder than words

On Thursday we drove two hours to another dude ranch where we went to work on some horses. We were out in the middle of nowhere, but it was beautiful.

It was a hard day, as you can tell

This is my buddy Prince. I gave him a massage and he was like putty in my hand. Love them big drafts.

On Friday we had Movement class. Here I am walking Icey. He liked my new hat.

Friday night we went to Fort Collins to watch the bull riding. The clown had a thing for foreigners so he posed with Cat and I for a picture. Turns out we'll be in the Rodeo News in two weeks. Must be the new hat.

Save a horse, ride a cowboy

Saturday we met with a custom saddle maker. His saddles are "out of control". Here's a shot of me in his back yard by the river. He too liked my new hat.

This sign was posted over his doorway. Seems appropriate.

Today we took in a Polo match. It was very cool. We found out later that it was just a practice....

....but we wore our big hats anyways.

Tomorrow we are in the classroom all day so I won't bother to blog. I am however addicted to this new web site that sends voice text messages to people. Just know that I'm enjoying sending them as much as you are receiving them.

Start of week six tomorrow.....yikes, the time is flying!

Hugs all round


1 comment:

AmyH said...


Thanks for the phone call....Can't believe you'll be back in 3 weeks. Crazy! So, have you saved and horses