Sunday, June 15, 2008

Bite White Baby!!!!

Three words......white.....water.....rafting.

Let me hear a hell ya!

Today some girls from class and I gathered on the Poudre River aka the Pood River (that's just fun to say) for some good clean, and at times cold, fun. Here's a shot before we loaded up to go up the river. Left to right Karen, Kimi, Liw, Cat, Heidi and yours truly.

Here we are getting ready to "bite white"

Apparently I'm the only one not paying attention

Here's a bit of video, we are the second boat coming down. Our guide is wearing a pink helmet. I'm in the front on the left......short but very sweet

It's officially the start of our last week here in Loveland, what a way to welcome it eh?

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