Monday, June 9, 2008

The short short version

Feeling a bit under the weather today, chest cold and such so here's a overview of my day.

Woke up
Breakfast (cereal, banana)
Went for a walk
Massage class with the horses
Drove to Fort Collins
Stopped at Discount Tire to drop off Liw's car
Saddlefit class
Stopped at Discount Tire to pick up Liw's car
Drove home
Ate dinner - veggie lasagna
Checked email, blog, facebook etc etc
Didn't feel well
Napped....kinda (Jessica doesn't nap)
Woke up from kinda nap, not feeling any better
Walked to payphone
Called Tracy
Phone card ran out
Walked home
Started to feel better
Bugged room mates
Got ready for bed
Remembered blog
Here we are

That is all.

1 comment:

Jen and Ron said...

I hope you feel better soon Jessica. Ron brought home the plague a couple of weeks ago. Much love, J