Friday, May 16, 2008

Tim Hortons, Hockey and Beer...yep I'm back in Canada

It's good to be back in the North, getting to the airport was no problem at all. Finding parking - big problem!!! Twice I followed signs to "additional parking" which promptly lead back on the Interstate, were they trying to tell me something? I finally found a spot that looked like a parking spot, but I don't think it really is. Here's hoping the Tiburon is still there on Sunday. The airport was utter chaos, tons of line-ups, only four people running Security and nothing was marked very clearly. You have to take a train just to get to your gate......not the best set up. It's a good thing I gave myself lots of time or I would have missed my flight. Once in Toronto I found the nearest Tim Hortons and grabbed myself a coffee. I had a two hour lay over so I found a little bar near my gate, ordered the biggest beer I could find and watched the last period of the hockey game, you can't get more Canadian than that I think. The flight to North Bay was great, we landed early and my ride was there to meet me at the door.

Spending today with fam, it's a beautiful day here. Happy May 2-4!


Anonymous said...

Glad your mom

Liwana said...

Enjoy the Canadian way of life for just a few days, HW! I'm in the airport now, and don't worry, I'll show you around, next time. :)

Have a great weekend!

Heidi said...

Enjoy your weekend and then GET YOUR ASS BACK OVER HERE!!!!! We miss you lots!! The tradition with the forks sucks when there's only two...
