Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day Three - It's all about Liw

My room mates are happy to see that some of you have managed to post a comment on my blog. I know it's a bit of a pain, but hey if Amy and Trace can figure it out....c'mon!!!

Today was a fabulous day, it was a hot sunny, about 25 degrees. We started the day out at a 6000 acre dude ranch. We had seven horses brought into a round pen and we paired up with a classmate. One person would hold the lead rope while the other placed their hands on the horses back and just worked their way down. It's all about breathing and listening to the internal "goings on" of the horse or as they call it "hooking up". At the end of the
morning the horses were visibly was amazing. Here are some pictures but they of
course do not do it justice.

This is Liw in our anatomy class, she was demonstrating what a gallop would look like. I think she's been living in Canada too long.

Liw had a bee in her bonnet about getting a pair of authentic cowboy boots so we ventured North to Fort Collins where she found a pair that were to her liking. She felt compelled to wear her new boots despite the fact that it was laundry day***Viewer Discretion is advised***


Pauline said...

Man! That was quite the process to post a comment. Not sure what I signed away when I clicked "accept" but, we shall see.

Great pics and awesome blog. Gave the Fireballs an update on your adventures at our end-of-season party last night. All I have to say is...what would your Billy think if he saw you canoodling with those other horses???? lol

lunch for one said...

OK, everytime I see that picture of you hanging off the grocery cart I kill myself laughing.

I figure we'll forgo the lunch date and I'll just take you out to the grocery store LOL

Looks like you're having an amazing time
P.S. I love the blog

AmyH said...

Does that poor woman know that you've posted that horrid picture all over the internet? LOL. Abby looked at the picsture with me on Facebook and quite enjoyed it...especially the Palomino's...?

Talk Soon

Liwana said...

I am wondering why you think that is such a "horrible" picture? Those are my favourite Dr. Seuss boxer shorts, and those boots, they will soon be another favourite.

We are trying to get along with Jessica, but as you can see, it is alot of work! :)