Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day Three - It's all about Liw

My room mates are happy to see that some of you have managed to post a comment on my blog. I know it's a bit of a pain, but hey if Amy and Trace can figure it out....c'mon!!!

Today was a fabulous day, it was a hot sunny, about 25 degrees. We started the day out at a 6000 acre dude ranch. We had seven horses brought into a round pen and we paired up with a classmate. One person would hold the lead rope while the other placed their hands on the horses back and just worked their way down. It's all about breathing and listening to the internal "goings on" of the horse or as they call it "hooking up". At the end of the
morning the horses were visibly was amazing. Here are some pictures but they of
course do not do it justice.

This is Liw in our anatomy class, she was demonstrating what a gallop would look like. I think she's been living in Canada too long.

Liw had a bee in her bonnet about getting a pair of authentic cowboy boots so we ventured North to Fort Collins where she found a pair that were to her liking. She felt compelled to wear her new boots despite the fact that it was laundry day***Viewer Discretion is advised***

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day Two - Playing with Horses

Today was a fun day. We started off the morning with Equine Massage with Sara. We dove into the dynamics of massage then partnered up and did some connection exercises. We spent the afternoon out at Rick's (one of our fabulous teachers) for Quieting and Handling. So that meant we actually got to go and work with a horse one on one. We worked on approach, haltering and leading.
Here are some pics of me and girls working with the Welsh ponies. We were only outside for a short while yet we all got some on our face so we'll have to be a bit more conscience with the SPF.

Liw and Baloo
Heidi and Baloo

This last horse was not very cooperative!

As you can see I'm adapting well to life with my roomies, even when doing groceries

Thought of the day..."you can lead a human to knowledge, but you can't make them think"


Jessica XO

Monday, April 28, 2008

Day One - Let the craziness begin

Today was the official first day of class. We started off with learning about movement and exploring the terms and definitions in relation to the horse world. The afternoon finished off with more Adult Education.

Here are some pictures that I took of our class room and our "playground"

Here are Liw, Sue, Heidi and Kimi having lunch

All them trucks and SUV's and then there's the Lil' Ole Tiburon

Here's the log house right next to our classroom

Micki and Sue goin' "Over the Top"

The classroom, Kimi is ready for some learning.....Liw, we're not so sure

Still the classroom, looks like Liw is actually going to get her book sure to cover your work, her eyes like to wonder

Thought of the taken from the sign hanging in the bathroom at the school

"Most people don't know there are Angels whose only job is to make sure we don't get comfortable and fall asleep and miss our life"

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Well I had a lazy morning here in Loveland, the sun was shining yet I felt absolutely no guilt about staying indoors.

We had orientation from 1pm to 6pm. We met the faculty and the rest of our classmates. There are 14 students total. 7 are international which includes 4 Canadians, 1 Australian, 1 Italian and Heidi (my room mate and teacher of blogs) is from Belgium. Unfortunately a 24 year old girl from Canada was turned back at the border....yikes!

Orientation included some sharing and we had a class on Adult Education that included learning to listen and communicate with each other and ourselves. We seem to have a pretty unique group of people so the next couple of weeks will be exciting for sure.

Here's a video I shot from our balcony yesterday

Will write again tomorrow.....or failing that....whatever day I can get an internet connection.
Giddy up

Saturday, April 26, 2008

One Province and Six States later I finally arrive in Colorado

Greetings from the Rockies!!!

My new room mate Heidi was gracious enough to help me set up my first blog. Figured this would be easier then sending out the group emails I promised.....which we all know I no intention of doing in the first place. Now this won't allow you to know what it feels like to sit in a Tiburon for 2 and a half days and not go insane, but you'll get the drift.

After 28 hours on the road (that includes stops for gas, food and of course the bathroom) my butt had just about enough it could take. I was welcomed by Kimi and Heidi who had a big pot of chilli ready and Liu (pronounced Lou) soon followed with Corona and Sundance Amber Ale from a brewery in Boulder, Co.

Here's a shot of me and the girls (Liu, Kimi, myself and Heidi) settling in for some beer, chilli and corn bread.

We were told that there was no internet connection at our apartment, but luckily we discovered a low signal that we could "borrow". The trick however is to sit against this wall with your legs out straight and your toes pointed.....this is what you resort to when you have no T.V....I repeat, no T.V.

Stay tuned!


Much love